2024 Club Best Old Bird &Young bird  Champion


2024 Champion Old Birds Overall


2024 Champion Old Birds Long Races


2024 Champion Old Birds Short Races



2023 Club Best Old Bird &Young bird  Champion


2023 Champion Young Birds


2023 Champion Old Birds


 2023 Best Bird Long Races


2022 Club Best Old Bird &Young bird  Champion


2022 Champion Young Bird loft


2022 Champion Young  Birds


2022 Champion Bird


2022 Champion Bird


2022 Champion Bird


2022 Champion loft


2022 Champion loft


2022 Old bird race winners



2021 Club Best Old Birds


Club 2021 Best Bird Long Races


Club 2021 Best Old Bird & Yearling


Club 2021 Best Young Birds


2020 Club Best Old Birds


Club 2020 Best Bird Long Races


Club 2020 Best Old Bird & Yearling


Club 2020 Best Young Birds



2019 Club Best Old Birds


Club 2019 Best Old Birds


Club 2019 Best Young Birds



2018 Club Best Old Birds


Club 2018 Best Old Birds


Club 2018 Best Young Birds



2017 Club Best Old Birds


Club 2017 Best Bird Long Races


Club 2017 Best Bird Short Races


Club 2017 Best Bird Overall Races


Club 2017 Best Young Birds


2016 Club Best Old Birds


Club 2016 Best Bird Long Races


Club 2016 Best Bird Short Races


Club 2016 Best Bird Overall Races


Club 2016 Best Young Birds



2015 Club Best Old Birds


2015 best old birds


2015 best Young Birds



2014 Club Best Three Long Distance Birds


The winners from the CU Web Site are

Best Old Bird Long -  Roland Paret  - 10 CU TD 269  -

2nd - Magic Medeiros - 11 CU GOLD 427

3rd - Pete Voskamp -08 CU 3633


The winners as identified by theTillsonburg Club - AU WinSpeed Program 2014  are:

Best Old Overall -Roland Paret  - 12 CU TD 1719  

2nd Best Old Overall -Roland Paret - 10 CU TD 269

3rd Best Old Overall- Joe Koster - 12 CU TD 1210


  Best Yearling - Magic Medeiros - 13 CU WW 4680

2nd Best Yearling - Zeb Talach - 13 CU TD 3068

3rd Best Yearling - Zeb Talach - 13 CU TD 3020


Best Young Birds 2014

Best Young Bird - Magic Medeiros -CU 14 MAGI 14090

2nd Best - Magic Medeiros - CU 14 MAGI 14049

3rd Best - Magic Medeiros - CU 14 OX 415






2013 Club Best Birds

The winners from the CU Web Site are:

Best Old Bird Overall - Zeb Talach - 10 CU TD 884

Best Yearling - Magic Medeiros - 12 CU GOLD 964

Best Old Bird Long - Magic Medeiros - 12 CU GOLD 964

Best Young Bird - Zeb Talach - 13 CU TD 3034


The winners as identified by theTillsonburg Club - AU WinSpeed Program 2013 are:

Best Old Overall - Guido Madrusan 09 CU TD 2101

Best Yearling - Roland Paret - 12 CU TD 1719

Best Bird Long - Zeb Talach - 10 CU TD 884

Best Young Zeb Talach - 13 CU TD 3034